If Instruction Isn't Engaging, I Quit!
If Instruction Isn’t Engaging, I Quit is a compelling series of chapters on student engagement. It is a must read for novice teachers, veteran teachers continuing to seek new ways to grow in their profession, and principals who desire to provide their staff members with the support they need to be highly effective educators.
Knowing the importance of engaging students and the challenges that accompany it led Vincent Taylor to share 10 practical strategies that have proven to be highly effective during his time as a classroom teacher. Instead of focusing on what the students will do to show that they are engaged in learning, his approach is to share strategies that begin with what the teacher will do to begin this critical process.
Student engagement is always at the forefront of teaching and learning regardless of a school’s location or the capacity in which educators work with children. In this publication, the author has brilliantly presented a framework that teachers can follow to help enhance and support their professional growth.